A step too far?

Taxidermy Accessories  

I didn't know what to think when I first came across these. Honestly, I am still slightly weirded out by the thought.

Brit Reid Peppard
collects little critters that
are deceased, often from pest control, and makes taxidermy accessories out of them. I stumbled across these and thought I would share the idea with all of the Toronto Moda readers out there. 

Many of us will go to great lengths for fashion but is this one step too far? Share your thoughts and post a comment, I'd really like to know!

Image courtesy of Reid Peppard


  1. These are really freaky. I wouldn't want a dead animal to hang on my neck. I'll stick with my regular jewellery.

  2. hahah... dead animals hanging from me... can i have a deer?.. i'll be like flavour flav except better.

  3. I wonder if Reid Peppard is making a "killing" with this line of rodent rings and pest pendants???

  4. Nasty and, well, weird. Just not right.
