I had always wondered why women of years gone by have such classic beautiful skin. Wonder no more, the secret is in that big jar of Ponds’ cold cream that sat on most women’s dresser.
Remembering the first time that I touching my mother’s face , I was taken aback how soft and supple her skin felt. Yes, she had a bit of wrinkle, but who doesn’t, she was in her late forties. I joked and said that her skin doesn’t look like the way it feels. She was not upset by my rude comment, but mentioned that her daily regime of using Pond’s cream was the secret. The wrinkles, she advised, can’t be helped since it was from my doing. She also told me that the wrinkles do not bother her, she said it adds character, now that is a confident women.
I asked her what her Pond’s regime consisted of and she responded that it was a simple process. She used it in the morning to clean and refresh her skin, and she is done for the rest of her day. She is a busy women, have five children and in-laws to clean, cook and look after. At night, she would use the Pond’s cold cream to remove any impurities, it is gentle on the skin leaves it clean but not dry, she knew instantly that this product is meant for her.
My mother was not an educated woman, she doesn’t know the ingredients that went into Ponds' Cold Cream, but she knows what works and what doesn’t. Looking at her classic beautiful face, I know she is one wise woman. I just hope that I can look and feel as good and confident as she in my late forties and have her smarts too.
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