
4 hours, 1 hour, 9 hours - When I shop for shoes, this is how they are categorized, by how long I can wear them, not by style or heel height. Some shoes can be 3 inches and comfortable, or 3 inches and very uncomfortable - so heel height isn't a clear sign of how long they can be worn. Either way, more often than not, the 'going out' shoes, as I shall call them, last a maximum of 3 hours.

So what happens when their 3 hours is up? Leave the club, bar or event with blistering feet and try to get home hobbling? That wouldn't be logical.

Then I came across CitySlips - ballet flats that fold up to fit into a clutch. Brilliant is it not? We've all heard of commuter shoes, so this is just a more stylish approach. Did I mention they're under $30? They are comfortable enough to wear to and from, they are portable and they look super-cute!

When packing your bag, be sure to bring the essentials: keys, cell phone, make-up bag and my CitySlips!

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