A few months ago, I was at a restaurant and a lady sat at a table across from us, she had her pursed hanging on a very fancy, jeweled hook. We looked at each other and commented, it must be nice to be so rich and over the top that even her purse gets pampered.
Recently, I was the recipient of a Hookette with a Twist, my own purse hook. Wow, I am like the lady at the restaurant.
The Hookette with a Twist has a flexible hinge on the arm that twist at 45 degree. The Hookette is versatile and functional. It can be hooked onto any surface, such as the back of a chair in a theatre, in the bathroom stall and on any table surface. When I found out the price of the Hookette with a Twist, starts at $19.99, I know that I will be getting a Hookette for each purse. I spent way too much money on my purses to have it sit on a dirty floor.
For more information, go to: www.thepursehook.com
Wow, I definitely need one of those. I'll even get one for my mom!