Becoming Old Hat

The industry that has become as lost as Atlantis is making its comeback! The idea of men wearing hats again isn’t so far off. "I've worked here for 20 years, and men are wearing hats now more than ever," said Robert Carroll, milliner and manager of Strand Hatters. ( The biggest issue with this of course is the accessibility of men’s fashion. You have to practically travel the world to get a complete outfit worth wearing. Why is it that men have such limiting fashions? And why can’t companies bring in an entire collection into Canada instead of select pieces?
But men’s fashions have come a long way over the last several decades, and with the revitalization of the use of hats, men are going to be able to personalize their look even more. Forget the tight pants and the baggy jeans!! Designers are finally making men’s fashions wearable.
-Just Sayin

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